In its twenty-three year history, the Gavers Community Cancer Foundation has raised over $9.7 Million in gross receipts. GCCF has no paid directors, officers or employees. “People believe in us; they trust us,” Steve Gavers, foundation president, said. “They know 100 percent of the proceeds go to cancer programs.”
Thank you to everyone who attended,
volunteered and sponsored!
Thank you for considering The Gavers Community Cancer Foundation for your donation. Your tax deductible gift will allow us to continue to raise awareness, provide screenings and fund research in the fight against cancer.
Our mission and purpose is built on ‘Getting Checked’, funding the latest technology and support cutting-edge research. 100% of our profit goes to supporting our mission. We appreciate those who give at this time.
The Barndance is a hallmark annual community event in McHenry County with a team consisting of 100% volunteers that has raised more than $9.7 million in our fight against cancer. Dubbed the “Best 7 Hours of Summer,” our event celebrates survivorship and brings our community together to support a common cause.
It takes a village to make Barndance come to life each year, and only happens from the generousity sponsors and underwriters.
Volunteers are needed to help with the success of Barndance. Come join our team of volunteers. Whether you can give one hour or four, we’ll put you to work.
No paid directors, officers or employees. 100% of the proceeds go to cancer programs.